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WorkflowManagerToDoFlags Enumeration
Defines flags to control the workflow manager and the to-do person of the workflow.

Namespace: BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.Meridian.Server
Assembly: BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.Meridian (in BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.Meridian.dll) Version: (
public enum WorkflowManagerToDoFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
WFMANTODO_MANAGER_IS_TODOPERSON0 Current manager becomes the to-do person.
WFMANTODO_TODOPER_UNCHANGED1 To-do person is not changed.
WFMANTODO_TODOPER_CURRENT_USER2 Current user becomes the to-do person.
WFMANTODO_CLIENT_SPECIFY_TODOPER4 Client should specify the to-do person.
WFMANTODO_CLIENT_OR_TODOPER_UNCHANGED5 Client may specify the to-do person; otherwise, it is not changed.
WFMANTODO_CLIENT_OR_TODOPER_CURRENT_USER6 Client may specify the to-do person; otherwise, the current user becomes the to-do person.
This enumeration overrides WORKFLOW_MANAGER_AND_TODOPER defined in BlueCieloECM.AMEdm PIA.
See Also