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BCFolder Properties

The BCFolder type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccessRights
Gets access rights of the folder.
(Overrides BCFSObjectAccessRights.)
Public propertyArchive
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the object is archive.
(Inherited from BCFSObject.)
Public propertyCanDelete
Gets a value indicating whether the object can be deleted.
(Inherited from BCFSObject.)
Public propertyConfigurableFolder Obsolete.
Gets the configurable folder of the folder.
Public propertyCreated
Gets the date when the object was created.
(Inherited from BCFSObject.)
Public propertyCreatedBy
Gets the name of the person who created the object.
(Inherited from BCFSObject.)
Public propertyDefaultDocumentAccessRights
Gets the default access rights of a document in the folder.
Public propertyDefaultRedliningAccessRights
Gets the default access rights of document redlines in the folder.
Public propertyDeletedFSObjects
Gets the collection of objects that were deleted.
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the description of the folder.
Public propertyDisplayName
Gets or sets the display name of the object.
(Inherited from BCFSObject.)
Public propertyEnclosure
Gets the enclosure that manages access to dependent objects.
Public propertyExtendable
Gets the extended object.
(Inherited from BCRepositoryObject.)
Public propertyFieldPathLevel
Gets the Field-Path level object controlling the folder, or if the folder is not controlled.
Public propertyFileType
Gets or sets the Windows-defined file type of the object.
(Inherited from BCFSObject.)
Public propertyFolderType
Gets or sets the type of the folder. Returns if the folder is normal (the AMFolder type).
Public propertyFolderTypeDisplayName
Gets the display name of a folder type.
Public propertyFolderTypeName
Gets the name of a folder type.
Public propertyGlobalID
Gets or sets the value that uniquely identifies the folder among all vaults.
(Overrides BCFSObjectGlobalID.)
Public propertyID
Gets the value that uniquely identifies the object.
(Inherited from BCFSObject.)
Public propertyImportedFrom
Gets or sets the path to the document/folder from which the object was imported.
(Inherited from BCFSObject.)
Public propertyIsConfigurable Obsolete.
Gets a value indicating whether the folder is a configurable folder.
Public propertyIsDisposed
Gets a value indicating whether the object has been disposed of.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public propertyIsFolder Obsolete.
Gets a value indicating whether the object is a folder.
(Inherited from BCFSObject.)
Public propertyIsProject Obsolete.
Gets a value indicating whether the folder is a project.
Public propertyModified
Gets or sets the date when the object was last edited.
(Inherited from BCFSObject.)
Public propertyModifiedBy
Gets or sets the name of the person who last edited the object.
(Inherited from BCFSObject.)
Public propertyName
Gets the internal name of the object.
(Inherited from BCFSObject.)
Public propertyParentFolder
Gets the parent folder of the object.
(Inherited from BCFSObject.)
Public propertyParentProject
Gets the parent project of the folder.
Public propertyParentProjectID
Gets the parent project ID of the folder.
Public propertyPath
Gets the relative path where the object is located.
(Inherited from BCFSObject.)
Public propertyRepository
Gets the repository to which the object belongs.
(Inherited from BCRepositoryObject.)
Public propertySecurable
Gets the secured object.
(Inherited from BCRepositoryObject.)
Public propertySize
Gets or sets the file size of the object.
(Inherited from BCFSObject.)
Public propertyTopmostProject
Gets the topmost parent project of the folder.
Public propertyUnderlyingObject
Gets the underlying wrapped object.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
See Also