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BCSDocument Properties

The BCSDocument type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBriefcase
Gets the briefcase to which the document is checked out.
Public propertyCreated
Gets the date when the document was created.
Public propertyCreatedBy
Gets the user that created the document.
Public propertyCWFManagers
Gets the array of user names of the document workflow managers.
Public propertyCWFState
Gets the current state of the document in the workflow.
Public propertyCWFTodoPersons
Gets the array of user names of the document workflow to-do persons.
Public propertyDocumentType
Gets the type of the document.
Public propertyFileName
Gets or sets the display name of the document.
Public propertyFileType
Gets the file type of the document.
Public propertyGlobalID
Gets or sets the value that uniquely identifies the document among all vaults.
Public propertyHasIncomingReferences
Gets a value indicating whether the document has incoming references.
Public propertyHasOutgoingReferences
Gets a value indicating whether the document has outgoing references.
Public propertyHasRedlines
Gets a value indicating whether the document has redlines.
Public propertyID
Gets the value that uniquely identifies the document.
Public propertyImportType
Gets a bitmask that is a combination of bit flags from SImportFlags.
Public propertyIsDisposed
Gets a value indicating whether the object has been disposed of.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public propertyIsInCurrentWA
Gets a value indicating whether the document is assigned to the current work area.
Public propertyIsUnderRevision
Gets a value indicating whether a working copy exists for the document (for any user).
Public propertyMasterDocument
Gets the master document.
Public propertyMetadata
Gets the metadata for the script object.
(Inherited from BCScriptObject.)
Public propertyModified
Gets the date when the document was last edited.
Public propertyModifiedBy
Gets the person who last edited the document.
Public propertyParentFolder
Gets the parent folder of the object.
Public propertyParentProject
Gets the parent project.
Public propertyPath
Gets the relative path from the root of the vault.
Public propertyProperties
Gets the collection of named properties of the document.
Public propertyProperty Obsolete.
Gets the collection of named properties of the document.
Public propertyRevision
Gets or sets the revision number.
Public propertyShareID
Gets a server ShareID to get a transaction document from another process.
Public propertySize
Gets the file size of the document.
Public propertyStatusText
Gets or sets the text to display for the current workflow status.
Public propertyUnderlyingObject
Gets the underlying wrapped object.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public propertyUnderRevisionBy
Gets a user name who owns the working copy of the document.
Public propertyVersionID
Gets the value that uniquely identifies the current document version.
Public propertyWorkFlowAction
Gets the description of the action associated with the current workflow state.
Public propertyWorkFlowManager
Gets the person assigned to manage the workflow of the document.
Public propertyWorkFlowState
Gets the current workflow state.
Public propertyWorkFlowTodoPerson
Gets the person assigned to take action on the document.
See Also