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BCPrivilegeIsDTSAware Property
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the privilege is DTS-aware.

Namespace: BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.Meridian.Server
Assembly: BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.Meridian (in BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.Meridian.dll) Version: (
public PrivilegeDtsMode IsDTSAware { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: PrivilegeDtsMode

The client may switch UI items according to the "use DTS" setting.

If the privilege is marked as document-aware, it should be hidden from the UI and should not be checked by the client if DTS is ON.

If the privilege is marked as document type-aware, it should be hidden from the UI and should not be checked by the client if DTS is OFF.

See Also