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BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.Meridian.Server Namespace

Contains server-side classes.
Public classBCAuditTrailer
Represents an object to manipulate the BlueCielo AuditTrail database.
Public classBCBaseline
Defines a moment in time.
Public classBCClass
Represents an EDM class of an object.
Public classBCCollection
Represents a collection of objects.
Public classBCCollectionT
Represents a strongly typed collection of objects.
Public classBCCollectionBase
Represents an abstract base class for a collection of objects.
Public classBCCollectionBaseT
Represents an abstract base class for a strongly typed collection of objects.
Public classBCComRef
Represents a reference to COM object (usually defines a User Interface extension).
Public classBCDocRef
Represents a reference between two documents.
Public classBCDocRefType
Represents an object describing a document reference type.
Public classBCDocument
Represents a document stored in the vault.
Public classBCDocumentTemplate
Represents an object describing a document template.
Public classBCDocumentType
Represents an object describing a document type.
Public classBCDocumentWorkflow
Represents an object to manage document workflow.
Public classBCDocumentWorkflowInterlock
Defines a document workflow interlock.
Public classBCEnvironment
Represents an object describing a configuration of the vault.
Public classBCExtendedObject
Represents an object that extends the BCRepositoryObject object.
Public classBCExtensionMapping
Represents an object that maps a file extension and document types.
Public classBCFieldPathBranch
Represents a branch of the Field-Path definition facility.
Public classBCFieldPathBranchPoint
Represents a branch point (root) of the Field-Path definition facility.
Public classBCFieldPathDefinition
Represents a definition of the Field-Path definition facility.
Public classBCFieldPathLevel
Represents an abstract base class for levels of the Field-Path definition facility.
Public classBCFieldPathNamePart
Represents a name part of the Field-Path definition facility.
Public classBCFieldPathNormalLevel
Represents a normal level of the Field-Path definition facility.
Public classBCFolder
Represents an Explorer view folder in the vault.
Public classBCFolderSearchQuery
Represents a folder search operation.
Public classBCFolderType
Represents an object describing a folder type.
Public classBCFSObject
Represents an abstract base class for a file system object (like BCDocument and BCFolder) stored in the vault.
Public classBCGlobalSearchQuery
Represents a search query stored in the vault (shared dynamic collection). Available to any user with the required privileges.
Public classBCHybridDocument
Represents an abstract base class for hybrid documents stored in the vault.
Public classBCHybridMainDocument
Represents the main part of a hybrid document stored in the vault.
Public classBCHybridPartDocument
Represents a part of a hybrid document stored in the vault.
Public classBCLicense
Represents a license information.
Public classBCLicenseServer
Represents a BlueCielo License server.
Public classBCLookupList
Represents a collection of entries that can be linked to a property as predefined values.
Public classBCMultiContextQueryResult
Represents a result of a multi-context search.
Public classBCNavigationLevel
Represents a level in the definition of BCNavigationView object.
Public classBCNavigationView
Represents a single navigation view defined in the vault.
Public classBCPrivilege
Represents a security privilege.
Public classBCProject
Represents a project folder in the vault.
Public classBCProjectDefinition
Represents an object that defines a project.
Public classBCProjectWorkflow
Represents an object to manage project workflow.
Public classBCProjectWorkflowDef
Represents an object that defines a project workflow.
Public classBCProjectWorkflowInterlock
Defines a project workflow interlock.
Public classBCProjectWorkflowState
Represents an object that defines the state of project workflow.
Public classBCProjectWorkflowTransition
Represents an object that defines a state transition of a project workflow.
Public classBCProperty
Represents a property (field) in the vault.
Public classBCPropertyAssignment
Represents an object to define a property assignment.
Public classBCPropertyCollection
Represents a collection of BCProperty objects.
Public classBCPropertyDef
Defines a property (field) in the vault.
Public classBCPropertyFilter
Represents the definition of a filter on the value of a property.
Public classBCPropertySet
Defines a set of related property definitions.
Public classBCReadOnlyCollection
Represents a read-only collection of objects.
Public classBCReadOnlyCollectionT
Represents a strongly typed read-only collection of objects.
Public classBCReport
Represents a report.
Public classBCRepository
Represents the connection to the server. It is used to select the vault and the context to work in, and it manages the transaction that is required to access the vault.
Public classBCRepositoryObject
Represents an object that belongs to BCRepository.
Public classBCRetentionControl
Represents an object that controls document retention.
Public classBCRoleBasedEnclosure
Represents an object that uses role-based security to restricts access to other objects.
Public classBCRoleBasedSecuredObject
Represents an object that defines role-based security.
Public classBCScriptCallableObject
Represents a COM object that can be invoked from a BC Meridian VBScript.
Public classBCSearchQuery
Represents a search operation.
Public classBCSelection
Represents a static collection that contains a static set of documents. It is available only to the user that created it.
Public classBCSequence
Represents an object to generate unique names.
Public classBCServer
Represents a BlueCielo Meridian server.
Public classBCStoredFolderSearchQuery
Represents a folder search query stored in the vault. Available only to the user that created it.
Public classBCStoredPropertyDefCollection
Represents a collection of property definitions stored in the environment.
Public classBCStoredSearchQuery
Represents a search query stored in the vault. Available only to the user that created it.
Public classBCTableView
Represents the collection of an object's property values.
Public classBCTaskObject
Represents a COM object that can be invoked by a BlueCielo Meridian Task Server.
Public classBCTaskServer
Represents a BlueCielo Meridian Task Server.
Public classBCUser
Represents a BC Meridian user account.
Public classBCUserDB
Represents a user database.
Public classBCUserDBCollection
Represents a collection of user database objects.
Public classBCUserDBCollectionT
Represents a strongly typed collection of user database objects.
Public classBCUserDBObject
Represents an abstract base class for a user database object.
Public classBCUserGroup
Represents a BC Meridian user group.
Public classBCUserRole
Defines security settings for a user.
Public classBCUserRoleAssignment
Represents a user role assignment.
Public classBCVersionable
Represents an object that manages document revisions. Use the Repository property to get a repository instance opened in the context of the revision.
Public classBCWorkflowCondition
Represents the condition of a workflow.
Public classBCWorkflowDef
Defines a workflow.
Public classBCWorkflowInterlock
Defines an abstract base class for a workflow interlock.
Public classBCWorkflowInterlockCondition
Represents the condition of a workflow interlock.
Public classBCWorkflowState
Represents a workflow state.
Public classBCWorkflowTransition
Represents a state transition of a workflow.
Public classBCWorkList
Represents a user work list.
Public classBCWorkPackage
Represents a work area in the vault.
Public classBCWorkPackageState
Defines a state of work area in the vault.
Public classBCWorkPackageTemplate
Represents an BCEnvironment object describing a work area type.
Public classBCWorkPackageTransition
Defines a state transition of work area in the vault.
Public enumerationAccessRightFlags
Defines security access rights.
Public enumerationBCDocumentStreamKind
Kind of document stream.
Public enumerationCalculatedPropertyFlags
Defines calculated properties in the report tableview.
Public enumerationComRefFlags
Defines an extension behavior.
Public enumerationCountFlags
Defines flags to control the enumeration of objects.
Public enumerationDocRefTypeFlags
Defines the metatype of a document reference type.
Public enumerationDocumentCopyFlags
Defines an option to control the document copy process.
Public enumerationDocumentImportWorkflowKind
Defines a document workflow state to set on importing a document.
Public enumerationDocumentInfoFlags
Defines an option to control document info retrieval.
Public enumerationDocumentTypeAvailability
Defines the possible usage of a document type.
Public enumerationDocumentTypeFlags
Defines an option to control behavior of the document type request.
Public enumerationDocumentWorkflowControlFlags
Defines options to control a document workflow.
Public enumerationDocumentWorkflowFlags
Defines the possible document workflow states.
Public enumerationDuplicationRule
Defines a duplication rule of a document type.
Public enumerationEndDraftVersionFlags
Defines an option to control draft revision completion.
Public enumerationFieldPathMapKind
Defines a field-path map type.
Public enumerationFSObjectKind
Defines an option to control enumeration of objects in a folder.
Public enumerationHybridKind
Defines a hybrid document type.
Public enumerationOperatorKind
Defines an operator to be used in queries/filters.
Public enumerationPossibleNamesMode
Defines an option to control behavior of the GetChildPossibleNames API.
Public enumerationPrivilegeDtsMode
Defines DTS-awareness of a privilege.
Public enumerationPrivilegeGroupKind
Defines a privilege group type.
Public enumerationPrivilegeInfoFlags
Defines options to control privilege interpretation.
Public enumerationPrivilegeMode
Indicates if the privilege is built-in (protected) or custom.
Public enumerationPrivilegeNameFlags
Defines an option to define privilege name format.
Public enumerationProjectWorkflowFlags
Defines the possible project workflow states.
Public enumerationPropertyDefFlags
Defines flags to control property loading/saving.
Public enumerationPropertyEffectivityKind
Defines a type of property effectivity.
Public enumerationPropertyLocationKind
Defines an option to control property location.
Public enumerationPropertyValueKind
Defines the data type of a property value.
Public enumerationRefDirectionKind
Defines a reference direction.
Public enumerationRefInclusionKind
Defines a reference inclusion.
Public enumerationRevisionBehavior
Defines a revision behavior.
Public enumerationRolePrivilegesFlags
Defines an option to control behavior of the SetUserRolePrivileges API.
Public enumerationRoutedPropertyKind
Defines the possible type of a routed property.
Public enumerationSearchAreaKind
Defines a type of the search area.
Public enumerationSortKind
Defines an option to control the sorting of objects.
Public enumerationUserDBConnectionKind
Defines the type of connection string to the User Database.
Public enumerationUserDBNamingFlags
Defines an option to control work list names in the User Database.
Public enumerationUserInfoFlags
Defines an option to control user info retrieval.
Public enumerationVersioningKind
Defines a revision numbering type.
Public enumerationVersioningLevel
Defines a revision numbering hierarchical levels.
Public enumerationVersioningMoment
Defines a revision numbering moment.
Public enumerationVersioningSystem
Defines a revision numbering system.
Public enumerationWorkflowAccessKind
Defines an access type of workflow state.
Public enumerationWorkflowConditionScope
Defines the possible type of the scope of a workflow condition.
Public enumerationWorkflowDefKind
Defines a type of available workflow definition.
Public enumerationWorkflowInterlockKind
Defines the type of the workflow interlock.
Public enumerationWorkflowInterlockLocation
Defines the location of a workflow interlock.
Public enumerationWorkflowInterlockScope
Defines the possible type of logical scope of a workflow interlock.
Public enumerationWorkflowInterlockSource
Defines the possible type of source object(s) of a workflow interlock.
Public enumerationWorkflowKind
Defines a type of workflow.
Public enumerationWorkflowManagerOption
Defines the way in which the workflow manager is determined.
Public enumerationWorkflowManagerToDoFlags
Defines flags to control the workflow manager and the to-do person of the workflow.
Public enumerationWorkflowStateKind
Defines the type of a workflow state.
Public enumerationWorkflowTransitionDirection
Defines the possible direction of a workflow transition.
Public enumerationWorkflowTransitionEquivalenceKind
Defines a workflow transition equivalence option.
Public enumerationWorkflowTransitionResult
Defines the possible result of a workflow transition.
Public enumerationWorkflowVersioningKind
Defines an option to control workflow revision numbering.
Public enumerationWorkPackageAction
Defines the possible action the server will execute on a state transition.
Public enumerationWorkPackageState
Defines the possible work area states.