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BCExtension Class
Represents a component that can be used to compose a BC Meridian User Interface extension.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.Meridian.Design
Assembly: BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.Meridian (in BlueCieloECM.InnoCielo.Meridian.dll) Version: (
public class BCExtension : Component, 
	IBCExtension, IBCExtensionBehavior, IBCHybridExtension

The BCExtension type exposes the following members.

Public methodBCExtension
Initializes a new instance of the BCExtension class.
Public methodStatic memberAddExtensionToClass
Assigns an extension to an EDM class.
Public methodStatic memberAddExtensionToDocumentType
Assigns an extension to all documents of the specified document type.
Public methodStatic memberAddExtensionToFolderType
Assigns an extension to all folders of the specified folder type.
Public methodStatic memberAddExtensionToWPTemplate
Assigns an extension to all work areas created from the specified template.
Public methodCreateObjRef
Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the Component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Component and optionally releases the managed resources.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the Component is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetLifetimeService
Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Protected methodGetService
Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInitializeLifetimeService
Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone(Boolean)
Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Protected methodOnAfterCommandWizard
Raises AfterCommandWizard event.
Protected methodOnBeforeCommandWizard
Raises BeforeCommandWizard event.
Protected methodOnCommandExecute
Raises CommandExecute event.
Protected methodOnCommandLoad
Raises CommandLoad event.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveExtensionFromClass
Removes an extension from an EDM class.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveExtensionFromDocumentType
Removes an extension from all documents of the specified document type.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveExtensionFromFolderType
Removes an extension from all folders of the specified folder type.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveExtensionFromWPTemplate
Removes an extension from all work areas created from the specified template.
Protected methodThrowIfNotInitialized
Throws the InvalidOperationException exception if the extension has not been initialized.
Public methodToString
Returns a String containing the name of the Component, if any. This method should not be overridden.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected propertyCanRaiseEvents
Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyCommands
Gets the collection of the UI extension commands.
Public propertyContainer
Gets the IContainer that contains the Component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected propertyDesignMode
Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyDisplayName
Gets or sets the display name of the extension.
Protected propertyEvents
Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyExtensionHost
Gets the application that hosts the extension.
Public propertyPages
Gets the collection of the UI extension pages.
Public propertySite
Gets or sets the ISite of the Component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyWizardPages
Gets the collection of the UI extension wizard pages.
Public eventAfterAddUserRole
Occurs when a new role assignment has been added.
Public eventAfterAssignManagers
Occurs when workflow managers for a document have been assigned.
Public eventAfterAssignToDoPersons
Occurs when workflow to-do persons for a document have been assigned.
Public eventAfterAssignToWP
Occurs when a document has been assigned to a work area.
Public eventAfterCalculateFileName
Occurs when the file name for an existing document has been recalculated.
Public eventAfterCalculateFolderName
Occurs when the name for an existing folder has been recalculated.
Public eventAfterCancelDocument
Occurs when a document has been discarded from a work area.
Public eventAfterChangeDocumentType
Occurs when the document type of a document has been changed.
Public eventAfterChangeState
Occurs when a work area state has been changed.
Public eventAfterChangeWFManager
Occurs when the workflow manager for a document has been changed.
Public eventAfterChangeWFPerson
Occurs when the workflow to-do person for a document has been changed.
Public eventAfterChangeWFState
Occurs when the workflow state for a document has been changed.
Public eventAfterCommandWizard
Occurs when a wizard has been completed.
Public eventAfterCopy
Occurs when a document has been copied.
Public eventAfterCopyFolder
Occurs when a folder has been copied.
Public eventAfterCopyWithReferences
Occurs when a document has been copied with references.
Public eventAfterCreateBriefcaseTransmittalSheet
Occurs when a transmittal sheet has been created in a briefcase with the Transmittal Management Module.
Public eventAfterCreateWorkingCopy
Occurs when a working copy (or Quick Change) for a document has been created.
Public eventAfterDelete
Occurs when an object has been deleted.
Public eventAfterDerive
Occurs when a document has been derived.
Public eventAfterDiscardFromProject
Occurs when a project copy has been discarded from a project workflow.
Public eventAfterDraftPrint
Occurs when a document has been printed with the Draft Print command.
Public eventAfterEditRedline
Occurs when redlines have been edited.
Public eventAfterExecuteTransition
Occurs when a workflow transition has been executed.
Public eventAfterHybridPart
Occurs when an action has been performed on a hybrid part of a document.
Public eventAfterImportFromBriefcase
Occurs when a document has been imported from a briefcase.
Public eventAfterIncludeToBriefcase
Occurs when a document has been added to a briefcase.
Public eventAfterInvoke
Occurs when a shell command has been invoked for a document.
Public eventAfterMasterUpdate
Occurs when a new revision of a master document has been updated from a project copy.
Public eventAfterMove
Occurs when document has been moved.
Public eventAfterMoveFolder
Occurs when a folder has been moved.
Public eventAfterNewRevision
Occurs when a new revision of a document has been created.
Public eventAfterOpenBriefcase
Occurs when a briefcase has been opened.
Public eventAfterReadPropertyFromBriefcase
Occurs when a property value has been read from a briefcase (before the property is saved in the vault).
Public eventAfterRegisterExtension Obsolete.
This event is deprecated. Use ExtensionRegister event.
Public eventAfterReleaseDocument
Occurs when a document has been released from a work area.
Public eventAfterReleaseToMaster
Occurs when a project copy has been released as a master document revision.
Public eventAfterRemoveUserRole
Occurs when a new role assignment has been removed.
Public eventAfterRename
Occurs when an object has been renamed.
Public eventAfterReplace
Occurs when a document has been replaced.
Public eventAfterReplaceContent
Occurs when document content has been replaced.
Public eventAfterReroute
Occurs when the workflow for a document has been rerouted.
Public eventAfterRestoreVersion
Occurs when an old revision of a document has been restored.
Public eventAfterRevokeWF
Occurs when the workflow for a document has been revoked.
Public eventAfterRevokeWorkingCopy
Occurs when a working copy (or Quick Change) for a document has been revoked.
Public eventAfterSendBriefcase
Occurs when a briefcase has been sent by email.
Public eventAfterSetInheritFromParent
Occurs when the option "Inherit From Parent Folder" has been changed.
Public eventAfterSubmitWorkingCopy
Occurs when a working copy for a document has been submitted (or Quick Change has been released).
Public eventAfterUnlockedFromBriefcase
Occurs when a document has been unlocked from a briefcase.
Public eventAfterWizard
Occurs when a wizard has been completed.
Public eventBeforeAddUserRole
Occurs when a new role assignment is being added.
Public eventBeforeAssignManagers
Occurs when workflow managers for a document are being assigned.
Public eventBeforeAssignToDoPersons
Occurs when workflow to-do persons for a document are being assigned.
Public eventBeforeAssignToWP
Occurs when a document is being assigned to a work area.
Public eventBeforeCalculateFileName
Occurs when the file name for an existing document is being recalculated.
Public eventBeforeCalculateFolderName
Occurs when the name for an existing folder is being recalculated.
Public eventBeforeCancelDocument
Occurs when a document is being discarded from a work area.
Public eventBeforeChangeDocumentType
Occurs when the document type of a document is being changed.
Public eventBeforeChangeState
Occurs when a work area state is being changed.
Public eventBeforeChangeWFManager
Occurs when the workflow manager for a document is being changed.
Public eventBeforeChangeWFPerson
Occurs when the workflow to-do person for a document is being changed.
Public eventBeforeChangeWFState
Occurs when the workflow state for a document is being changed.
Public eventBeforeCloseBriefcase
Occurs when a briefcase is being closed.
Public eventBeforeCommandWizard
Occurs when a wizard is being initiated.
Public eventBeforeCopy
Occurs when a document is being copied.
Public eventBeforeCopyFolder
Occurs when a folder is being copied.
Public eventBeforeCopyWithReferences
Occurs when a document is being copied with references.
Public eventBeforeCreateBriefcase
Occurs when a briefcase is being created.
Public eventBeforeCreateWorkingCopy
Occurs when a working copy (or Quick Change) for a document is being created.
Public eventBeforeDelete
Occurs when an object is being deleted.
Public eventBeforeDerive
Occurs when a document is being derived.
Public eventBeforeDiscardFromProject
Occurs when a project copy is being discarded from a project workflow.
Public eventBeforeDraftPrint
Occurs when a document is being printed with the Draft Print command.
Public eventBeforeEditRedline
Occurs when redlines are being edited.
Public eventBeforeExecuteTransition
Occurs when a workflow transition is being executed.
Public eventBeforeHybridPart
Occurs when an action is being performed on a hybrid part of a document.
Public eventBeforeImportFromBriefcase
Occurs when a document is being imported from a briefcase.
Public eventBeforeIncludeToBriefcase
Occurs when a document is being added to a briefcase.
Public eventBeforeInvoke
Occurs when a shell command is being invoked for a document.
Public eventBeforeMasterUpdate
Occurs when a new revision of a master document is being updated from a project copy.
Public eventBeforeMove
Occurs when document is being moved.
Public eventBeforeMoveFolder
Occurs when a folder is being moved.
Public eventBeforeNewRevision
Occurs when a new revision of a document is being created.
Public eventBeforeOpenBriefcase
Occurs when a briefcase is being opened.
Public eventBeforeRegisterExtension Obsolete.
This event is deprecated. Use ExtensionRegister event.
Public eventBeforeReleaseDocument
Occurs when a document is being released from a work area.
Public eventBeforeReleaseToMaster
Occurs when a project copy is being released as a master document revision.
Public eventBeforeRemoveUserRole
Occurs when a new role assignment is being removed.
Public eventBeforeRename
Occurs when an object is being renamed.
Public eventBeforeReplace
Occurs when a document is being replaced.
Public eventBeforeReplaceContent
Occurs when document content is being replaced.
Public eventBeforeReroute
Occurs when the workflow for a document is being rerouted.
Public eventBeforeRestoreVersion
Called when an old revision of a document is being restored.
Public eventBeforeRevokeWF
Occurs when the workflow for a document is being revoked.
Public eventBeforeRevokeWorkingCopy
Occurs when a working copy (or Quick Change) for a document is being revoked.
Public eventBeforeSendBriefcase
Occurs when a briefcase is being sent by email.
Public eventBeforeSetInheritFromParent
Occurs when the option "Inherit From Parent Folder" is being changed.
Public eventBeforeSubmitWorkingCopy
Occurs when a working copy for a document is being submitted (or Quick Change is being released).
Public eventBeforeWizard
Occurs when a wizard is being initiated.
Public eventBeforeWritePropertyToBriefcase
Occurs when a property value is being saved in a briefcase.
Public eventCalculateDisplayName
Occurs when a new instance of an object is created and the display name needs to be calculated.
Public eventCalculateLocation
Occurs when a new instance of an object is created and the location needs to be calculated.
Public eventCloseAssignRoles
Occurs when the Assign Roles dialog has been completed.
Public eventCommandExecute
Occurs when a command is invoked.
Public eventCommandLoad
Occurs when a command is loaded.
Public eventDataInitialize
Occurs when the extension is initializing data.
Public eventDataRelease
Occurs when the extension is releasing data.
Public eventDisposed
Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose method.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventExtensionRegister
Occurs when the extension is being registered.
Public eventExtensionUnregister
Occurs when the extension is being unregistered. This is supported only for server extensions (behaviors).
Public eventGetProjectTransitionPages
Occurs when the wizard pages of a project workflow transition are shown.
Public eventGetTransitionPages
Occurs when the wizard pages of a workflow transition are shown.
Public eventInitializeWizard
Occurs when the wizard pages of a workflow transition are being initiated.
Public eventInitWithData Obsolete.
This event is deprecated. Use DataInitialize event.
Public eventOpenAssignRoles
Occurs when the Assign Roles dialog is being initiated.
Public eventRegistrationStatusCheck
Occurs when the extension status is being requested. This is supported only for server extensions (behaviors).
Public eventReleaseData Obsolete.
This event is deprecated. Use DataRelease event.
Public eventTerminateWizard
Occurs when the wizard pages of a workflow transition have been completed.
See Also