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Connection Methods

The Connection type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddHybridPart
Adds an empty hybrid part to a document.
Public methodAssignRoles
Adds user role assignments to a folder
Public methodCallVBScript
Makes a call to a VBScript function
Public methodChangeDocumentType
Changes the document type of a document.
Public methodChangeFolderType
Changes the folder type of a folder.
Public methodCheckinDocument
Transitions a document from the Under Change state to the Released state.
Public methodCheckoutDocument
Transitions the document to a state where it can be edited, either a QuickChange or UnderChange in workflow depending on the optional quickchange parameter
Public methodCreateNewDocument
Creates a new document in the vault and optionally sets its properties.
Public methodCreateNewFolder
Makes sure the folder does exist in the vault and optionally updates its properties
Public methodCreateReference
Creates a document reference between two documents inside the vault according to a defined reference type. The destination document cannot be a new (unreleased) document unless the source document is new.
Public methodDeleteDocument
Deletes a document
Public methodDeleteFolder
Deletes a folder
Public methodDeleteReference
Removes a document reference between two documents inside the vault according to a defined reference type. Only one reference is deleted if the documents have been referenced multiple times using the same reference type.
Public methodDetachHybridPart
Detaches a hybrid part and turns it into a new individual document. The return value is the document ID of the newly created document that was the hybrid part. The document will be in the Under Change state.
Public methodDocumentExists
Check if a document exists in the vault
Public methodEnumHybridParts
Enumerates all the hybrid parts of a document. The return value is a string array of the names of all the hybrid parts. The variant will be empty if no hybrid parts can be found.
Public methodFindDocuments
Searches for documents inside the vault. Returns a variant array of document identifiers matching the find parameters.
Public methodFolderExists
Check if a folder exists in the vault
Public methodGetAllPropertyNames
Return an array of all property names of that document or folder as determined by the document or folder type.
Public methodGetDocumentID
Returns the document identifier (docid) of a document given the vault identifier and the full path of the document inside the vault.
Public methodGetDocumentInformation
Returns a variant array of values for the specified properties.
Public methodGetDocumentLocation
Returns a full path in UNC format or the relative path within the vault that can be used by any Windows application to read from or write to a document. The document needs to be in the Under Change state for it to be writable.
Public methodGetDocumentVersionInformation
Returns a variant array of values for the specified properties for a given document version.
Public methodGetDocumentVersionLocation
Returns a full path in UNC format or the relative path within the vault that can be used by any Windows application to read the contents of the version of the document.
Public methodGetDocumentVersions
Returns a variant array of version IDs for the specified document.
Public methodGetFolderElements
Enumerate folder elements
Public methodGetFolderID
Returns the unique identifier of a folder given the vault identifier and the full path of the folder inside the vault.
Public methodGetFolderInformation
Returns a variant array of values for the specified properties.
Public methodGetFolderNames
Returns a variant array of all subfolders names that are located under the specified folder path.
Public methodGetHybridPartLocation
Returns a full path of a hybrid part in UNC format that can be passed to any Windows application.
Public methodGetReferences
Returns a variant array of object IDs for all references of a document according to a defined reference type.
Public methodGetRoleAssignments
Get role assignments from the specified folder
Public methodGetUniqueValues
Collect a set of unique non-empty values for a given custom property on a given set of documents.
Public methodGetVaultName
Returns the display name of the vault. The method returns an error when a null string (“”) is passed and no vault has been opened before.
Public methodGetVersion
Public methodInvokeEDMUICommand
Ask EdmUI to execute a certain command on the document
Public methodIsDocumentCheckedOut
Returns True if the document is under change.
Public methodIsUniqueValue
Check if the specified value is unique for the specified property
Public methodMigrateDocument
Converts a document currently in document type workflow to a state in a workflow definition. This method is only supported when Work Isolation Mode is turned off and the document itself is not released. It can also be used to make a transition (reroute) from one state to another within the same workflow definition and to make a transition to the Released state either by revoking the workflow (if it is in the beginning state) or by releasing the document if it is in an end state.
Public methodResetRoleAssignments
Remove all role assignment from the folder and set the flag Inherit from parent
Public methodShowWizard
Shows wizard pages for the document
Public methodSynchronizeLocalWorkspace
Performs synchronization of the document in local workspace
Public methodSynchronizePropertiesFromFile
Performs a titleblock update in which the properties of the document are updated with the titleblock information of the document itself.
Public methodSynchronizePropertiesToFile
Performs a titleblock update where the titleblock of the document is updated with the property information of the document stored in the vault.
Public methodUndoCheckoutDocument
Revokes the working copy of a document and does a transition of the document from the Under Change state back to its latest Released state.
Public methodUpdateDocument
Updates the properties and/or content information of a document.
Public methodUpdateHybridPart
Updates the contents of a hybrid part.
See Also