BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 Release Notes | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Known Problems > Server Functionality > Windows XP SP2 Firewall and EDM Server

Windows XP SP2 Firewall and EDM Server

With Windows XP Service Pack 2 a new version of the Windows Firewall is installed and enabled by default on any workstation that is not part of a Windows Domain or Active Directory. If you are running the EDM Server on Windows XP there is some additional configuration is necessary.


  1. Windows XP Professional is not supported as server operating system in a production environment, but for demonstration and evaluation only.
  2. For an InnoCielo Client installation (PowerUser, Office Client, Offline Client) the firewall is transparent and needs no additional configuration.

To configure the Windows Firewall to allow access to the InnoCielo EDM Server:

  1. Open the Firewall settings, either from the Security Center Control Panel applet, or from the properties pane of your Local Area Connection.
  2. Go to the Exceptions tab.
  3. Place a check mark next to "File and Printer Sharing":

  4. Add a TCP Port, with "RPC Port" as display name and Port Number 135:

  5. Add a program, browse to the IC-Meridian folder, and select AMEDMW.EXE:

  6. Repeat step 5 for the InnoCielo License Server, AMLicense.exe.
  7. To use WebAccess or configure a vault for Offline use, repeat step 5 for the Internet Information Service process, C:\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\inetinfo.exe.
  8. In steps 4 through 7 you might want to change the scope for the new rule (ie. the computers allowed to access the EDM Server) to only the local subnet instead of the Internet:

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