You are here: Appendix D: VBScript reference > The Meridian Enterprise functions > AMMGetReportTableRowValues function

AMMGetReportTableRowValues function

Returns the array of column values for the Excel report.

Function AMMGetReportTableRowValues(TagId As String, Status As Byte, VaultObjectProperties As String, 
DrawingObjectProperties As String, AccumulatedData As Variant) As String




Tag number.


Tag reference status described in the following table.


Array of the property values for the Meridian Enterprise object in the form Array(AMObjectId, Referenced).

The dimensions of the array are as follows:

  • AMObjectId – a string value that uniquely identifies the object in Meridian Enterprise. If the object is not found in Meridian Enterprise, the value is Nothing.
  • Referenced – a Boolean value indicating whether the object has a tag reference.


Array of the property values for the asset in the form Array(TagType, X, Y, LayerName, PnIDProperties).

The dimensions of the array are as follows:

  • TagType – The string name of the tag type.
  • X – A string that contains the X coordinate provided by PnIDLink_GetAssetCoordinates.
  • Y – A string that contains the Y coordinate provided by PnIDLink_GetAssetCoordinates.
  • LayerName – The string name of the layer on which the asset exists.
  • PnIDProperties – An array of property values for the asset in the form Array(PnIDProperty1, … PnIDPropertyN). The names of the properties are returned by the AMMPropertiesToBeRequested function.


A variant that contains user-defined data that can be accumulated from call to call and then passed to the AMMGetReportCustomHeaderValues function.
Status parameter byte values
Value Status A B C D E F Comment
0 NotDefined Status is not calculated yet. This status cannot be sent during a correct request.
1 Ok + + + + - -  
2 NotLinked + + - + - -  
3 OnlyInDocument - + n/a n/a n/a -  
4 MismatchFound + + - - - -  
5 MismatchReferenced + + + - - -  
6 CoercedReference + - + n/a - n/a  
7 OnlyInVault + - - n/a - n/a Object with this status exists just after unlink vault object with CoercedReference status. If the object will not be relinked (by Link or Assign) then the row will be deleted on the next refresh.
8 DuplicatesInVault + ? ? ? + -  
9 DuplicatesInDrawing ? + ? ? - +  
10 Duplicates + + ? ? + +  
254 Error Status calculation failed for any reason.

A – Vault object exists

B – Drawing object exists

C – Reference exists

D – Tag type of vault object is matched with one of drawing object

E – Vault objects with duplicate tag values exist

F – Drawing objects with duplicate tag values exist

? – Condition is not checked

n/a – not available


Called for every asset in the drawing.

Related concepts

Configuring linking to folders

Related tasks

Configuring the proxy document type

Configuring the Where Used page

Related information

AMMMainTagDocumentId function

AMMUseMainTag function

AMMPropertiesToBeRequested function

PnIDLink_GetSheetSize function

PnIDLink_GetAssetCoordinates function

PnIDLink_IsMainDrawing function

AMMGetReportCustomHeaderValues function