BlueCielo Meridian Asset Management Module 2013 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About working in Meridian Explorer > Using view pages > Filtering the results list

Filtering the results list

By default, the results list shows all items that are the results of the current search or navigation view, or the contents of the current folder. Often, this is sufficient to find the items that you are looking for. However, you can further refine the results list by adding a filter on any visible column.

To add a filter:

  1. Click the menu button for the column upon which you want to filter the results list. The column menu appears.
  2. Point to Filters. A menu of the existing values for that column appears.
  3. Select or clear property values. The results pane refreshes to show the matching items and a filter icon appears to the left of the column heading.
  4. Click anywhere outside of the menu to hide the menu.

To remove a filter:

  1. Click the menu button for the column for which you want to remove the filter. The column menu appears.
  2. clear Filters. The results pane refreshes to show the results of the removed filter and the filter icon disappears from the left of the column heading.

Related tasks

Opening a view

Browsing by folders

Browsing by properties

Browsing with navigation views

Searching in document properties

Searching in document content

Using the results pane

Navigating the results list

Changing the column layout

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