BlueCielo Meridian Asset Management Module 2013 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Appendix D: Contents of the distribution package

Appendix D: Contents of the distribution package

Following are the locations and descriptions of the items included in the Asset Management Module distribution package.

Distribution package contents
Folder Sub-folder Description

Demo Vault


A ZIP file that contains a Meridian Enterprise vault (MAXDemo2) that matches the Maximo MAXDEMO database.



BlueCielo Meridian Asset Management Module Administrator’s Guide and BlueCielo Meridian Asset Management Module User’s Guide in Adobe PDF format.

Maximo link


Contains subfolders that each contain the integration files for a specific Maximo version.


Maximo 5.1 JSPs

The modified JavaScript files for Maximo 5.1 that contain references to the module.


Maximo 5.2 JSPs

The modified JavaScript files for Maximo 5.2 that contain references to the module.


Maximo 6.x

Files to support integration of the module into Maximo 6.1 and 6.2.1.

MMS link


Contains subfolders that each contain the integration files for a specific maintenance management system.



The SAP Plant Maintenance integration files.

Sample Projects


Contains subfolders that each contain sample .NET projects for custom integration programs. For more information, see About the sample projects.


MMS Tag Management

Contains C# .NET projects used to support the import of proxy objects from a generic maintenance management system such as SAP Plant Maintenance.

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