BlueCielo Meridian Asset Management Module 2013 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About configuring the Asset Management Module > Configuring drawing tag extraction > Configuring object name prefixes and suffixes

Configuring object name prefixes and suffixes

By default, only the literal attribute tag value is extracted and matched to an object name in the vault. Optional prefix and suffix text strings can be concatenated with the tag values when they are saved in the Meridian Enterprise property. The value of the prefix and suffix text is retrieved from other Meridian Enterprise properties for the same drawing from which the tag values are extracted.

To configure a tag name prefix or suffix:

  1. Under the TagListProperty setting described in Configuring drawing tag extraction, specify the property names by adding TagPrefixPropertyDef or TagPostfixPropertyDef settings using the following syntax:

Note     You may include separator characters as literal text in these settings, if necessary. For example, to produce a prefix like D0000_, you would type the following:


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Configuring drawing tag extraction

Combining multiple attribute tags

Configuring tag filters

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