BlueCielo Meridian Asset Management Module 2013 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions |
The behavior of AMMTagLinkSynchronizer can be configured on the Edit Configuration tab.
The options that are saved in the configuration file are summarized in the following table.
Setting | Description | Default | Remarks |
ExportDB section |
Command |
Stored procedure name in the maintenance management system database | Optional | |
Connection string |
Connection string to the maintenance management system database where the stored procedure exists. | Optional | |
VaultInfo section |
DatastoreName |
Datastore name of the destination vault | Required | |
DocProperty |
Meridian Enterprise property that contains the name of the document to link to the object | Required | |
MachineName |
EDM Server service computer name | Required | |
TagProperty |
Meridian Enterprise property that contains the name of the object to link to the document. | Required | |
TagRefType |
Meridian Enterprise reference type with which to link the object to the document. | Required | |
ReferenceDirexction |
Direction of the reference to be created: incoming (from object to document) or outgoing (from document to object). | Required | |
VaultName |
Name of the Meridian Enterprise destination vault | Required | |
Config section |
AddressSMTPServer |
Optional | ||
LogDirexctory |
Folder for storing the error log files | Optional | |
LogErrorEmail |
Optional | ||
ImportDB section |
ConnectionString |
Connection string to the intermediate file that contains the object and document names to link. | Required | |
DatabasePath |
Path to the intermediate file. | Required | |
SelectionCommand |
SQL SELECT statement for the intermediate file. The value can contain a placeholder {0} for the modification date time. See also SkipModifiedArgument | Required | |
SkipHeaderRecords |
Integer value specifying the number of header records in the result set to be ignored. | 0 | Optional |
SkipModifiedArguments |
If True, the statement in SelectionCommand is expected to not contain a placeholder for the modification date and time. | False | Optional |
TagField |
Column in the intermediate file that specifies a unique reference to one or more existing objects. Values must be separated by the value of Separator. | Required | |
DocField |
Column in the intermediate file that specifies a unique reference to one or more existing documents. Values must be separated by the value of Separator. | Optional | |
Separator |
The character that separates the values provided in TagField. | ; | Optional |
If the SkipModifiedArguments setting is True, then the application expects a query that needs a modification date as an input parameter. This date should have the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS.
For example:
Select * FROM <ImportDatabase> Where <ModificationDate> =%1
Where <ImportDatabase> is the name of the import database and <ModificationDate> is the date of the modification.
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