BlueCielo Meridian Asset Management Module 2013 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Appendix F: VBScript reference > AMMUseMainTag function

NEW  AMMUseMainTag function

Implement this user-defined function to show the Where Used property page for folders in addition to documents in the Meridian Enterprise client applications. The folders must have an associated main tag object. The object is identified by the AMMMainTagDocumentId function described in NEW AMMMainTagDocumentId function. The page is visible if this function returns True.

Function AMMUseMainTag() 

This function accepts no parameters.

Function AMMUseMainTag()
    AMMUseMainTag = True
End Function

Related concepts

NEW Configuring linking to folders

Related tasks

NEW Configuring the proxy document type

NEW Configuring the Where Used page

Related information

NEW AMMMainTagDocumentId function

NEW AMMPropertiesToBeRequested function

NEW PnIDLink_GetSheetSize function

NEW PnIDLink_GetAssetCoordinates function

NEW PnIDLink_IsMainDrawing function

NEW AMMGetReportTableRowValues function

NEW AMMGetReportCustomHeaderValues function

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