BlueCielo Meridian Asset Management Module 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About working in Meridian Explorer > Using view pages > Using the results pane

The results pane dynamically lists items found by the most recent search or navigation view, or the contents of the current folder.

To show the property pages for a particular document or object tag, select its row.

To run a command for a particular document or object tag, right-click anywhere over its row. A shortcut menu of the available commands appears. For information about using the commands, see the related topics elsewhere in this guide.

To open a detail page for a particular document or object tag, click its icon. The item's property pages appear in a new window with the Actions ribbon. For information about using property pages, see About property pages. For information about using the commands in the Actions ribbon, see the related topics elsewhere in this guide.

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