BlueCielo Meridian Asset Management Module 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About working in the maintenance management system > Viewing documents > Viewing the latest revision of a document

Viewing the latest revision of a document

By default, the Asset Management Module displays the latest released revision of documents on the Linked Documents page. This ensures that you are not accidentally viewing a prior revision but you can also view prior revisions if necessary.

Note     The latest released revision of a document might not be the most recent copy of the document. Newer revisions might be under change in Meridian Enterprise but are not visible by the Asset Management Module. The current status of the document is shown in the Status property. If the document is under change in Meridian Enterprise, the latest released revision is shown, not the copy that is being worked on. You are not allowed to view the revision that is under change until it has been released. For more information about viewing the document’s properties, see Viewing properties of a document.

To view the latest released revision of a document:

  1. On the Linked Documents page, click the name (hyperlink) of the document if you are viewing the page in list view. If you are viewing the page in thumbnail view, click the thumbnail image of the document or the View Document icon in the upper right corner of the page. The document’s Document property page appears and the current revision of the document is shown in the viewer window. For information about using the BlueCielo viewer, see About the BlueCielo viewer .
  2. To view the document full-screen, click the View full-screen icon to the right of the thumbnail image.

Tip    You may click your browser’s Back button or click a hyperlink in the location breadcrumb at the top of the page to return to the Linked Documents page.

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Viewing documents

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Switching between list view and thumbnail view

Viewing properties of a document

Viewing revisions of a document

Viewing referenced documents

Viewing linked assets

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