BlueCielo Meridian Asset Management Module 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Appendix G: Security privilege descriptions

Appendix G: Security privilege descriptions

The Asset Management Module provides security privileges in addition to those of Meridian Enterprise. The Asset Management Module privileges secure the commands that are provided by the Asset Management Module as well as provide extra security for document metadata. You must be a member of a Meridian Enterprise security role to which these privileges have been granted and the role must be applied to the current folder before you can perform the respective action.

The Asset Management Module security privileges are described in the following table.

Security privilege descriptions
Privilege Description

Edit Tag Assignments

Required to use the Asset Management Module client extensions listed in Installing for a PowerUser user.

Edit Tag Assignments

Allows a Meridian Enterprise user to link documents to proxy objects.

Attach New Document

Allows a maintenance management system user to upload a new document.

Attach New Version

Allows a maintenance management system user to upload a new revision of an existing document.

Open Document in Web Access

Allows a maintenance management system user to open the selected document in Meridian Enterprise Web Access.

The privileges necessary to run Asset Management Module commands are noted elsewhere in this guide, where applicable.

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