BlueCielo Meridian Asset Management Module 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About integrating with a maintenance management system > Integrating with Maximo 5 > Rebuilding Maximo 5

Because you modified Maximo JavaScript files in the preceding steps, you must rebuild and redeploy the Maximo application. For instructions on doing this, refer to Appendix D: How to Build an Enterprise Application Archive (EAR) File in the Maximo Installation Guide.

Proceed as described in Testing the integration.

Related concepts

Understanding the integration with Maximo 5.x and 6

Integrating with Maximo 5

Related tasks

Replacing the JavaScript files

Configuring the Meridian Explorer base URL

Modifying the JavaScript files

Testing the integration

Related information

Maximo application names

Link document query strings for Maximo 5.x

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