You are here: About transmittal management

About transmittal management

A transmittal is a set of documents that is sent to another organization, often to fulfill the requirements of a contract between the sending and receiving organizations. Transmittals are typically used in the architecture, engineering, and construction industry as well as other industries to exchange documents in progress. Besides documents, a transmittal usually includes a transmittal sheet that lists the documents and their revision numbers being sent and also the name, telephone number and address of the sending and receiving parties. The sender of a transmittal may include a message or instructions on the transmittal sheet that describe the purpose of the transmittal, a response request, and sometimes, a due date. Each document within a transmittal to a recipient is known as a transmission. The Meridian Transmittal Management Module can be used to create electronic transmittals as BlueCielo briefcase files.

Each briefcase file contains the following:

  • One or more digital document files
  • A digital transmittal sheet (optional)
  • Metadata about the digital document files
  • Metadata about the briefcase itself

The recipient of a transmittal may be required to return documents to the sender that have been changed according to the instructions in the transmittal. The package of returned documents, which may include additional documents, is known as a submittal. The documents contained in a submittal are known as submissions. The Meridian Transmittal Management Module can be used to create electronic submittals. Standard briefcase files created by BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise, BlueCielo TeamWork, BlueCielo View, or popular archive programs such as WinZIP or WinRAR can be used to create submittals for a Meridian Enterprise system that has the Meridian Transmittal Management Module installed.

The typical steps in the life cycle of a transmittal and submittal are listed below the responsible persons in the following figure. You can use the hyperlinks to jump to the corresponding chapter in this guide.

Sender Recipient
  1. Creating a transmittal
  2. Adding vault documents to a transmittal
  3. Generating a transmittal sheet
  4. Selecting the recipients of a transmittal
  5. Sending a transmittal via email
  6. Tracking the status of transmittals



  1. Receive transmittal (optional)
  2. Extract transmissions (optional)
  3. Create transmission revisions or new documents
  4. Create a submittal (optional)
  5. Send the submittal or submissions
  1. Receive submittal or submissions
  2. Importing a submittal
  3. Viewing and editing a transmittal
  4. Linking submittals to transmittals
  5. Linking submissions to transmissions
  6. Importing submissions from a submittal or
    Importing submissions without a submittal
  7. Updating transmitted documents from submissions (optional)
  8. Closing transmittals


Transmittal management is the performance of these steps throughout the life cycle of transmittals. The Meridian Transmittal Management Module automates many of these tasks.

Note    Technically, the Meridian Transmittal Management Module manages transmittals and submittals nearly identically. In the remainder of this guide, the term transmittal .