You are here: Viewing and editing a transmittal > Comparing documents in a transmittal

Comparing documents in a transmittal

To visually compare a document in a transmittal with its current revision in the vault, use the Compare Documents command. This can be useful if the copy of the document in the vault has changed but its revision number has not changed, such as if it were modified in a Quick Change workflow. Another case is if the copy of the document in the transmittal has been changed but its revision number in the transmittal was not updated. Comparing the two revisions positively reveals if either document has been changed and can help to identify which revision is newer.

To compare revisions of a document:

  1. Select the transmittal containing the document that you want to compare.
  2. Click Document, point to Transmittal Management, and then click View Transmittal. The Transmittal dialog box appears.
  3. Select the document that you want to compare.
  4. Click the Compare Documents button in the toolbar. The document opens in a new viewer window divided into three panes: the upper left pane shows the revision of the document that resides in the transmittal, the upper right pane shows the current revision of the document in the vault, and the lower right pane shows the differences between the two revisions using the color options that appear in the lower left of the window. The three panes remain synchronized when you pan or zoom in any pane.
  5. Use the viewer tools to inspect the documents as necessary. For information on using the viewer tools, refer to the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise User’s Guide.
  6. Select options using descriptions in the following table.
Compare options
Option Description

Show additions

Displays graphics in the right document that do not exist in the left document. Select a color to display additions from the list.

Show deletions

Displays graphics in the left document that do not exist in the right document. Select a color to display deletions from the list.

Show unchanged

Displays graphics that are identical in both documents. Select a color to display unchanged graphics from the list.


Displays a report of the invisible changes between the two documents. The information can be saved to a file where it can be printed. Not available for raster documents.

Print Differences

Prints the graphics in the window to a printer.

Note    Document comparison only supports graphical file formats.

Note    Graphics that have been moved but that are otherwise unchanged are considered as a deletion from one document and an addition to the other document.

Related tasks

Viewing and editing a transmittal

Deleting documents from a transmittal

Viewing documents in a transmittal