You are here: Processing submittals > Linking submittals to transmittals > Linking submissions to transmissions

Linking submissions to transmissions

If you receive submissions (in a submittal) in response to a transmittal that you sent, you can link the submissions to the transmissions that you sent.

Before you begin

The submittal that contains the submissions that you want to link to must first be linked to a transmittal as described in Linking submittals to transmittals. The submittal must also be in an active workflow.

To link a submission to a transmission:

  1. Select the submittal in the vault that contains the submission that you want to link to a transmission.
  2. Click Document, point to Transmittal Management, and then click View Submittal. The Submittal dialog box appears.
  3. Click the Link to Transmission button   in the toolbar or press CTRL + L. The Transmissions in Transmittal dialog box appears showing all documents with names that begin with the same name as the selected submission and that are contained in the transmittal that is linked to the selected submittal.
  1. If you want to select a document with a different name, edit or clear the text in Transmission name. Documents with names matching the filter in Transmission name are shown.

Note    The percent character (%) is a wildcard character that denotes a starts with filter.

  1. If you want to select a document in a different transmittal, click Close and link the submittal to the transmittal as described in Linking submittals to transmittals.
  1. Select a document that you want to link to the submission and click Select. The documents are linked.

Related tasks

Linking submittals to transmittals