You are here: Creating a transmittal > Importing documents to a transmittal

Importing documents to a transmittal

To add documents that reside outside of a vault to a transmittal, use the Import Documents command. Import Documents creates copies of the documents in the transmittal and includes document metadata in the transmittal as determined by a system administrator. The metadata that is copied to the transmittal is configured by a system administrator in the transmittal’s template.

Before you begin

Documents may only be imported to a transmittal that is in an editable state in a workflow. If necessary, initiate a workflow for the transmittal before proceeding.

To import documents to a transmittal:

  1. Select the transmittal to which you want to import documents.
  2. Click Document, point to Transmittal Management, and then click View Transmittal. The Transmittal dialog box appears.
  3. Click the Import Documents button in the toolbar. The Open dialog box appears.
  1. Browse to and select the documents that you want to import and click Open. The Add to Transmittal dialog box appears.

    Tip    Hold down the CTRL key and click to select additional documents. Hold down the SHIFT key and click to select a range of documents.
  1. Select options and type values using the descriptions in the following table and click OK. The documents are imported to the transmittal with the status of New Documents.


  1. Select the transmittal to which you want to import documents.
  2. Click Document, point to Transmittal Management, and then click View Transmittal. The Transmittal dialog box appears.
  3. Select the documents that you want to import and drag and drop them onto the Transmittal dialog. The Add to Transmittal dialog box appears.
  4. Select options and type values using the descriptions in the following table and click OK. The documents are imported to the transmittal as New Documents.
Add to Transmittal options



Issue code

The current status of the transmittal.

Due by

A date by which a response to the transmittal by the recipient is due.


A description of the transmittal.

Include CAD references

Copies CAD external reference files to the transmittal.

Include drawing and presentation files

Copies Inventor drawing and presentation files to the transmittal.

Include custom references

Copies documents that are linked by custom reference types to the transmittal.

Related tasks

Creating a transmittal

Adding vault documents to a transmittal

Adding documents to a submittal

Generating a transmittal sheet

Selecting the recipients of a transmittal

Sending a transmittal via email