BlueCielo Meridian Transmittal Management Module 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Processing submittals

Processing submittals

Organizations that send you submittals do not need Meridian Enterprise or the Meridian Transmittal Management Module to create submittal files. Submittal files that are compatible with the Meridian Transmittal Management Module can be made several ways:

Or you can create submittals with the Meridian Transmittal Management Module for internal use only and import ordinary files that another organization sends to you.

When submittal files are received, processing them begins as they are imported to a vault, linked to corresponding transmittals, submissions are linked to transmissions, and original documents are updated from submission contents. The following topics describe these activities.

Related tasks

Tracking the status of transmittals

Closing transmittals

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