BlueCielo Meridian Transmittal Management Module 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Processing submittals > Importing a submittal

Importing a submittal

You might receive a submittal file that you want to place in a vault. This might occur if you requested that the recipient of one of your transmittals respond back to you with updated documents in a submittal file. The submittal file can be any of the files described in Processing submittals.

In any case, the procedure for importing a submittal file is the same:

  1. Select the submittal file that you want to import.
  2. Drag and drop it into the vault folder where you want the submittal to reside.
  3. If a submittal with the same name already exists in the folder, the Import File dialog box appears.
  1. Select or type options using the descriptions in the following table to determine how the submittal should be handled.
Import File options



Replace the existing document content

Update the existing submittal with the dropped submittal. Click Properties to view the properties of the vault submittal.

Note    The Compare button in this dialog cannot be used to compare the contents of two submittals.

Import as new document

Import the submittal to the folder with a different name.

Do not import file content

Abort the import so that you can resolve the conflict.

Apply to all documents

Applies your selection to all of the documents that were dropped into the vault.

  1. If a submittal with the same name does not already exist in the folder, the submittal is imported as a new document.
  1. If the file extension of the dropped submittal is associated with more than one document type, the Select Document Type dialog box appears for you to select a submittal document type to assign to the new submittal.
  2. If the document type assigned to the submittal has property pages associated with it, they will appear for you to type any known information. Complete each property page and click Next or Finish. The submittal is imported into the selected folder or in the folder calculated by the Field-Path definition of the vault configuration.
  1. If a new document is created as the result of the previous step and the document type assigned to the submittal performs automatic document naming, InnoCielo assigns a calculated name to the submittal. If not, a default document name is assigned that you may overwrite with any name you want.

Related tasks

Importing submissions from a submittal

Importing submissions without a submittal

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