BlueCielo TeamWork 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About Web Access > Working with references > Creating references

Creating references

Creating a reference establishes a link between two documents so that they can be found together, the effect of a revision can be traced, and the origins of derivative or replacement documents can be traced.

To create a reference:

  1. Display the property pages for the document from which you want to create a reference.
  2. On the Document menu, select Create References. The Find destination documents for reference dialog box appears, similar to the Find Documents page.
  3. Select the reference type you want to create from the Reference type list.
  4. Search for reference destination documents by entering a search value in Name or entering a search value in Quick Search and selecting a condition from the list and click Find Now. Documents that match your search criteria display in a list on the page. If the document that you want to create a reference to is not listed, modify the search criteria and click Find Again.
  5. Select the desired reference destination documents and click Create References. The success or failure of the action appears in green or red text next to Create References, respectively.

Related concepts

Working with references

Related tasks

Viewing references

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