BlueCielo TeamWork 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About briefcases > Creating a briefcase transmittal document

Creating a briefcase transmittal document

A TeamWork transmittal document is a TeamWork report that contains information about the documents in a briefcase such as their names, revision numbers, comments, and so on. The report format is determined by a system administrator. A transmittal can be included in a briefcase to help the recipient of the briefcase better understand its contents and a copy can be stored in the vault as a permanent record.

To create a briefcase transmittal document:

  1. On the Vault menu, click View Briefcase. The Select Briefcase dialog box appears.
  2. Select an existing briefcase for which you want to create the transmittal and click Select. The Briefcase dialog box appears, showing the contents of the briefcase.
  3. Click the Generate transmittal button . The Generate Transmittal Sheet dialog box appears. Select options using the descriptions in the following table and then click OK. The Select Folder dialog box appears.
Briefcase transmittal options
Option Description

Include transmittal in briefcase

Includes a copy of the transmittal document in the briefcase for the recipient’s use.

Save document list as collection

Saves the list of documents in the briefcase as a static collection. The lists your current static collections. If you select an existing collection, the documents are added to the collection. If you select the default <New collection>, you are prompted for a name for the new collection.

  1. Select a destination folder in the vault to store the new transmittal document and click OK. What happens next depends on how the system administrator has configured the briefcase template used to create the briefcase.

    The transmittal document is generated from the report template that is assigned to the briefcase template from which the briefcase was created. If the briefcase template specifies a document type for the report that uses wizard pages for user input, those pages are displayed during report generation, similar to any other document being added to the vault. The transmittal is stored in the folder you selected. If you selected the Include Transmittal in Briefcase option, a copy of the transmittal is also placed in the briefcase.
  2. You can view the transmittal document by selecting it in the briefcase and clicking the View button . The transmittal opens in a new viewer window.

Related concepts

About briefcases

Related tasks

Viewing a briefcase

Adding documents to a briefcase

Importing documents from a briefcase

Understanding property values of imported documents

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