BlueCielo TeamWork 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Working with documents > About scanning documents

About scanning documents

TeamWork supports many popular engineering format and desktop scanners so that you can scan paper documents directly into a vault. This can be useful to save the disk space that would otherwise be consumed by first scanning to an intermediate file outside the vault. It can also make tracking the process of despeckling, deskewing, naming, and entering metadata for scanned images easier.

TeamWork includes device drivers for the following scanners:

The TeamWork device drivers support popular variants of the following standard raster file formats: TIFF, BMP, JPG, PNG, TGA, CALS, GTX, PCX, and DCX.

Before you begin

Prepare the scanner hardware and software before you begin scanning:

  1. Connect the scanner hardware to your computer.
  2. Install the scanner software provided by the scanner manufacturer.
  3. Test basic scanner operation using the scanner manufacturer’s software.
  4. After you have determined that basic scanner operation is successful, install the TeamWork scanner driver for your scanner by running the TeamWork Setup program.
  5. Configure the TeamWork scanner options as described in Setting general options.

Related concepts

About importing documents

Understanding the copy commands

Related tasks

Scanning a single document

Scanning a batch of documents

Creating a new document from a template

Copying a document

Deriving a document

Replacing a document

Importing hybrid documents

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