BlueCielo TeamWork 2012 Release Notes | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: What's New in TeamWork 2010 > Scopes


The concept of client application scopes has been added. A scope is a configurable, named set of vault objects and functions that limit what a user may see and do in a vault. Scopes are defined by a system administrator and may be selected by users based on the users' needs. For example, a vault used for managing facilities might define scopes for as-built documents, design projects, archived documents, or maintenance management. A vault used for managing AEC documents might define a different scope for each customer. And a vault used for manufacturing documents might define different scopes for standard parts, active projects, and inactive projects. A configurable toolbar is available for each scope.

For more information about scopes, see the BlueCielo TeamWork Configuration Guide and BlueCielo TeamWork User's Guide.

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