BlueCielo TeamWork 2012 Release Notes | BlueCielo ECM Solutions
New in InnoCielo 2008: Client improvements
- Improvements have been made to content searching to allow for substring searches. For example, prior to InnoCielo 2008, searching content for the word "ship" would only find the word "ship." Now, searching for the word "ship" will find the words "ship", "shipyard", "shipwreck", and so on.
- Validation of user input on property pages has been improved by displaying invalid values in red text after focus leaves the property. An alert message can also be shown to the user by first creating and then setting the following DWORD registry key on the client computer to 1.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\Client\Settings\DisplayValidationAlerts
- The addition of user management functionality in InnoCielo can introduce issues regarding consistent user identification. A new DWORD server registry key has been added to allow InnoCielo administrators to standardize user identification:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\Server\UserDatabase\UserNameFormat
This key can have the following possible values:
0: To Do list name (Display Name)
1: Display Name
2: Display Name (email@address)
3: Display Name (Domain\User) of the primary account
If the registry key is absent, the user's old style ID is shown. If the registry key is present, its value determines what new style user account info to show.