BlueCielo TeamWork 2012 Release Notes | BlueCielo ECM Solutions
Setup improvements
The following improvements have been made to TeamWork setup:
- The 32-bit BlueCielo IFilter files are now installed with the 64-bit client components. Installation of the IFilter can be completed as described in the BlueCielo TeamWork Administrator's Guide.
- Removing and replacing the Revit link with a Windows Installer package and UAC enabled now works correctly.
- The Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package is no longer required for installing BlueCielo TeamWork.
- The Office Web Client setup package is now available as a single executable file for both 32-bit and 64-bit computers. On 64-bit computers, it will install both the 32-bit and 64-bit components so that the setup does not need to be run twice. The file can be unpacked by running it with the /a command line parameter to perform an administrative installation that results in an installable .msi file with the specified language transform applied. The .msi file can then be deployed with Active Directory Services. Alternatively, the package can be deployed as described in the following bullet.
- The Office Web Client may now be installed from a local server. During TeamWork installation, the setup wizard now prompts for the location of the Office Web Client setup file to copy to the Web Access server. The setup program copies the Office Web Client setup file to a subfolder of the Web Access application. Web Access users who do not have the viewer installed can click a link in the Web Access viewer pane to download the setup program.
For more information, see the BlueCielo TeamWork Administrator's Guide.