BlueCielo TeamWork 2012 Configuration Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

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About the Field-Path definition

The folder structure of a vault can be created and maintained manually, just like folders in a normal file system. Or, a vault’s Field-Path definition can be configured to specify key document properties that determine the folder structure of the vault. Each level of the Field-Path definition must use a different property. The Field-Path definition can be any number of levels deep, although we recommend a practical limit of four or five levels. More levels make vault navigation tedious and time-consuming for users.

Configuring the Field-Path definition creates an automatic, consistent storage structure that has the following advantages:

A Field-Path definition can be composed of two types of folders, levels and branches. A level uses the values of a property for the folder names created at the selected level of the Field-Path definition, as described above. Thus, there can be many different folder names at that level, each determined by user input or property assignments. A branch uses one of a predefined set of values as its folder name. Branches stem from a branch root that specifies the property for which the branch folder names become the only valid values. A branch also terminates the level-based folder structure to that point and a different level-based folder structure can begin at the next level.

For example, the following figure shows a Field-Path definition composed of both levels and branches. The property names of levels are indicated in bold text. Folder names surrounded in quotes (“”) indicate predefined branches that, in effect, are a lookup list for the Assignment property that is the branch root. Notice that each folder structure below a branch defines a different sequence of properties (levels). A Field-Path definition composed only of levels would only have a single sequence of properties to which all documents would have to conform. Branches provide greater flexibility, allowing different document sets to be stored in different folder structures in the same vault.

Configuring the Field-Path definition is described in the following topics.

Related tasks

Creating the initial Field-Path definition

Changing the Field-Path definition

Configuring vault settings

Configuring the scope of global searches

Configuring watermark printing

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