BlueCielo TeamWork 2012 Configuration Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About property pages and wizard pages

About property pages and wizard pages

Property pages display the property values of an object when it is selected in one of the TeamWork client applications. Wizard pages are property pages that are shown when new objects are created. Wizard pages can be used to prompt users to type property values for the object that they are creating, such as required properties that are used to calculate the object’s name or folder location. A property page can also be used as a wizard page so that you do not have to create the same page layout for both purposes.

TeamWork property pages and wizard pages are similar to the forms used by other database management systems. In many other systems, form layout can be a tedious process of sizing and moving form fields manually. TeamWork Configurator makes property page layout easy by automatically arranging form fields and labels for you in columns and rows. Configurator takes care of automatically aligning and spacing items horizontally and vertically. You have much control over the size, placement, and display of items on property pages without requiring tedious manual editing.

Property pages and wizard pages can also display:

The layout of property pages and wizard pages is divided into sections called panels. Every property page or wizard page must have at least one panel. Additional panels can be created to group related properties together with an optional caption and separator line.

Creating property pages and wizard pages is described in the following topics.

Related tasks

Viewing property pages

Creating a new property page

Editing a property page

Deleting a property page

Configuring external pages

Configuring the Application Integration properties pane

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