BlueCielo Meridian REFSYS 2012 Overview Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Functional overview > Email notifications

Email notifications

The environment is configured to generate email notifications in the following situations.

Email notifications



After creation a project copy of document

Project managers of the projects that contain sibling project copies

After releasing a project copy as a master revision

Project managers of the projects that contain sibling project copies

After routing documents in the Plant group to the next step in a workflow

Assigned to-do person

After redlines have been created outside of a workflow

Global asset manager

The notification message and header are configurable in the Meridian Enterprise Configurator. HTML messages are supported and hyperlinks to open the documents in the PowerUser and Web Access clients can be embedded in the message similar to the following figure.

Related Information

Automated reminders

Document subscription

Email archiving

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