BlueCielo Meridian REFSYS 2012 Configuration Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About configuring Meridian > Sequence numbers

Sequence numbers

In the default configuration, sequence numbers are used for the following elements:

All sequence numbers are stored in the Meridian vault. The sequences are defined on the vault root or folders depending on the sequence type as described in the following table.

Sequence parent objects
Sequence Parent Object


Root folder

Document numbers Root folder

Project numbers

Root folder

Routing sheets

Root folder

Transmittal numbers

Project folder

The numbers are updated using the VBScript functions GetSeqNum and GetNextSeqNum.

In the vault scripting, sequence numbers are assigned in special places of the code and assigned to the property DocumentSequenceNumber. The typical place to update this property is in the function InitializeNewPlantDocumentWithCalculatedDefaults.

Sequence numbers can be modified using the standard Meridian utility BCSequenceManager described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Configuration Guide.

Related concepts

Outdated client warnings

Text messages



Document type groups

Plant group revision numbers

Generic group workflow

Generic group filenames

Project group workflow

Retention rules

Automatic reminders

Document subscriptions

Email notification

MS Outlook integration

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