Publisher 2011 was the first release of the redesigned Publisher. Publisher is no longer a Meridian Enterprise module but a stand-alone system designed to publish documents from a variety of source document management systems to other document management systems, optionally as renditions in a different file format.
The concept of publishing modules is now called system links to indicate that they can also connect to a source system, not just a destination system. This release of Publisher included the following system links:
Additional system links will be provided in a future release.
The concept of rendering modules remains the same as in prior versions. This release of Publisher included the following rendering module only:
Additional rendering modules will be provided in a future release.
Note A 64-bit version of the Oracle AutoVue rendering module is not yet available.
The Publisher is now managed by a snap-in installed in the BlueCielo Application Manager, a common console for BlueCielo applications such as Meridian Explorer and the Meridian Enterprise Data Library.
Documents are published using publishing jobs that are configured much in the same way as prior Publisher versions. Documents must still be registered for publishing also, however VBScript support will be included in a future release. A Meridian Enterprise user interface extension is provided for easy manual publishing from within PowerUser. The AMPublishTask extension for the Meridian Enterprise Task Server has been replaced by the BCPublisher.MeridianTask object that is now provided in the PowerUser extension. Instructions for using the object from Visual Basic .NET can be found in the BlueCielo Publisher Administrator’s Guide.
Monitoring the Publisher queue can be done from any computer on the network with a web browser using the Publisher Queue web application.
Although Publisher 2011 (and higher) has many of the same features as prior versions of Publisher, the two products are not compatible and Publisher 2011 (and higher) should not be considered as a direct upgrade from the older versions. As stated above, Publisher 2011 does not support all of the same destination systems and rendition file formats as prior versions. Support for those technologies is being reevaluated on a case-by-case basis and might be added in future versions of Publisher.
For more information about the new features of Publisher 2011, see the BlueCielo Publisher Administrator’s Guide and the BlueCielo Publisher User’s Guide.