BlueCieloPublisher 2012 SP4 adds the following new features and improvements:
Custom columns may be added to the Publisher database, shown in the Publisher Queue web application, and the property set in VBScript. This was done to allow greater filtering of the queue for publishing job management.
When used as a publishing destination, the Windows file system link can now publish document properties to an existing database table. The functionality is similar to that of the file system publishing module of the previous generation of Publisher.
The Publisher Queue website now remains on the current page when a user performs some action in the queue.
The VBScript object MeridianQueue now supports server-side processing for batch publishing.
Rendering support for AutoCAD 2013 is now included in the AutoCAD rendering module and no longer requires separate installation.
If a document was registered for publishing and then a new revision started, the resulting rendition could show the latest revision number and status instead of the original information.
A new option Use the next rendering module if rendering fails and the number of retries has been exceeded has been added to publishing job definitions. This option enables failover rendering by a different rendering module if a document cannot be rendered by the desired module due to unavoidable errors. Multiple rendering modules can be specified for a single job and their priority order set. If rendering fails with any rendering module and this option is enabled, a return string is passed in the publishOptions parameter of the PublisherSourceEvent_AfterPublish and PublisherDestionationEvent_AfterPublish events. Your implementation of this event can then perform other actions in response to the failure, such as notify a system administrator, set a property value for easy document location, and so on.
The AutoCAD rendering module no longer requires that it run under a logged on account. It may run in a scheduled task if the account is a member of the Administrators group and Windows UAC is disabled. This has only been tested with AutoCAD 2012 and 2013.
New options Orientation and Append to the end have been added to signature pages.
The PublishDocumentUIExtension extension in the Publisher extension file ( has been divided into two extensions, PublishDocumentUIExtension and a new extension PublishSettingsUIExtension. This was done to make it easier to configure Publisher in environments where downloading extensions to client PCs is not allowed.
A new parameter commitSize has been added to the BeginBatch method. This parameter allows specifying the number of documents to send to the server in each transaction.
The Meridian Project Portal (Kronodoc) publishing service did not install correctly on 64-bit computers.
The CALS Group IV Type I, Type II file extension (.cg4) is now supported by the AutoVue rendering module for source documents.
The Autodesk Inventor rendering module no longer stops responding when notification dialog boxes appear from use with Not For Product (NFP) and Not for Sale (NFS) licenses.
The Inventor rendering module now appends errors and discrepancies in the publishing log.
A new option Run Inventor in visible mode has been added to the Inventor rendering module.
The page layout, pen table, and color rendering options can now be retrieved from the source document properties.
The BlueCielo Application Manager no longer depends on Microsoft Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) being installed to send publishing job email notification messages.
New options User name and Password have been added to the BC Publishertab in Meridian Enterprise Configurator. These credentials are necessary if Publisher is installed on a separate computer from Meridian Enterprise Web Access and users do not have access to the Publisher web services.
A new setting EnableLocalAdministration has been added to the Publisher queue web.config file. The setting allows local user accounts to access the queue as administrators if the Publisher queue is configured for anonymous authentication. If not set, the queue cannot be opened as an administrator to modify the publishing status of documents in the queue. The default is False.
The BlueCieloPublisher 2012 SP4 Administrator's Guide contains a topic titled "Positioning text image watermarks" that describes how to configure the Offset option described in "Configuring rendition watermarks." The feature was improved but the Administrator's Guide was not updated to reflect the change before this version was released. The formulas do not need to be used to calculate the offset location. The location can be specified as a simple offset of the watermark origin from the rendition page origin.
A new publishing option _PUBLISHONLY_<PropertySet.PropertyName;PropertyValue>_ has been added. This option is a safeguard for certain configurations in which a document can be rendered and published before changes to the document (a new revision, for example) are saved in the vault. This can result in an invalid rendition in the destination system. This option requires the creation of a custom property and supporting scripting. This solution can be found in the BlueCieloPublisher Administrator's Guide.