Understanding transmittal workflow

In Project Portal, transmittals can have a workflow status similar to that of documents. The status can help you to track the progress and disposition of transmittals. The status of transmittals that have been sent but have not been replied to is Open. Transmittals that have been replied to and for which processing has completed are considered Closed.

The typical steps in the life cycle of a transmittal and submittal are listed below beneath the responsible persons in the following figure. You can use the hyperlinks to jump to the corresponding chapter in this guide.



  1. Understanding the Workroom view
  2. Creating a transmittal
  3. Viewing and editing a transmittal



  1. Downloading a transmittal
  2. Acknowledging a transmittal
  3. Extract the documents and metadata file from the transmittal package
  4. Create revisions or new documents
  5. Update the metadata file
  6. Create a new archive file for the submittal package
  7. Creating a submittal
  1. Downloading a submittal
  2. Approving or rejecting submittals
  3. Closing and re-opening a transmittal


Transmittal management is the performance of these steps throughout the life cycle of transmittals. Project Portal automates many of these tasks.