Changing the current status

Changing the status of a document or folder advances it in its life cycle.

To change the current status from a view:

  • For the document or folder that you want to change, on its Actions menu, select a new status from the Change status to section.

To change the current status from a property page:

  1. If the item is a folder, in the ribbon, in the Folder group, click Change status.


    If the item is a document, in the ribbon, in the Document group, click Change status.

    A page listing the available statuses appears.

  2. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
  3. Click Commit status. The document or folder property page reappears with the comment added and the status is changed.
Status change options
Option Description

Change status to

Select a new status. Depending on the lifecycle definition, one or more statuses may be available.

Status change comment

Optionally, type a comment about the change

Note    A workspace can be configured to automatically set the status of prior versions to Obsolete when a new version is released. For more information, consult a system administrator.