About transferring properties with Office documents
Project Portal is able to transfer property values to and from Office documents. This can be useful to reduce manual text entry and to reduce errors when synchronizing property values to and from Project Portal. Property transfer supports Word, PowerPoint, and Excel files.
Property transfer between Office files and Project Portal occurs automatically. The properties that are transferred are those that are defined in the file using special Project Portal names listed in Project Portal property codes. For example, the title of a Word file can be used as the Project Portal document title when creating a new document from the file used as a template. Conversely, the Project Portal document type, document number, and version can be copied to the Word file properties and to the file header.
Note Property transfer can be enabled without the installation of an add-on. Consult a system administrator to determine if property transfer has been enabled on the server.
Working with property transfer is described in the following topics.