About the Dashboard

The Dashboard is a real-time reporting tool that facilitates effective project execution.

The following table describes each feature of the Dashboard view.

Features of the Dashboard view
Number Name Description



The basis for the data in the current view.


View tabs

Available categories of data in the current view.


View data

The current data available based on the selected view, scope, and tab.


View menu

Available views.

The Dashboard provides a set of views with real-time project or workspace performance information:

  • Usage statistics – The number of distinct users logged in during a certain period of time.
  • User logins – The last 10 logins to the Project Portal installation sorted by time. The user's name, IP address, login time, and the last operation are shown.
  • Work status – The number of items in the workspace divided by type, status, and so on.
  • Work progress – The number of items created in the workspace during a period of time divided by type, status, and so on.

The Advanced Dashboard is an add-on with additional features besides the standard Dashboard view:

  • Throughput time – Detailed information for folder and document life-cycle analysis.
  • Communication analysis – User collaboration patterns based on functional communication allow you to quickly analyze if the information flow inside a workspace is efficient.

The Dashboard and Advanced Dashboard can be found on the Dashboard tab in the top frame inside a workspace. If the tab is not visible, the Dashboard feature has been disabled completely or is only available for a privileged group.

Each of the views available in the Dashboard are described in the following topics.