You are here: About transmittals > Creating a transmittal

Creating a transmittal

Project Portal provides a wizard to guide you through the steps of creating a transmittal and transmittal sheet and sending them via email to the recipients that you select. Like all other documents created by Project Portal, transmittals are created as different types. Transmittal sheets are also created from templates that are configured by a system administrator. For the names and purposes of the transmittal types and transmittal sheet templates defined in your workspace, consult with a system administrator.

To create a transmittal:

  1. Place the documents that you want to send in the transmittal on the Clipboard as described in Adding items to the Clipboard. You must select at least one document. The documents do not need to have attached files.
  2. Open the Clipboard as described in Viewing the Clipboard contents.
  3. In the ribbon, in the Collaboration group, click Create transmittal. The New Transmittal dialog box appears.
  4. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
New transmittal options
Option Description

Transmittal category

In the list, click the name of the type of transmittal that you want to create. Depending on which type you select, additional fields appear in the dialog box.

Template to use

In the list, click the name of the template from which you want to create a transmittal sheet. The templates are configured by a system administrator to meet your organization's requirements.

Basic Transmittal Information group


The name of the transmittal package. Required.


The description of the transmittal package. This text can also appear in the transmittal sheet and as the notification email message body.

Transmittal Info group

Other fields Custom fields that are configured by a system administrator to meet your organization's requirements. These fields can also appear in the transmittal sheet. Click or type options to complete as many fields as you can.
  1. Click Next. The View Transmittal dialog box appears and shows the primary field values that you entered in step 4. It also lists the documents that you placed on the Clipboard in step 1.

    Note    From this point onward in the transmittal creation process, you can stop working on the transmittal and any changes that you have made up to the point when you last clicked Next will be saved in the Drafts folder of the Workroom view. The status of the transmittal will not be Open until it has been completed and sent. To stop working, click the Close button in the upper-right corner of the dialog box. To resume working on the transmittal, open it from the Workroom view and proceed as described in Viewing and editing a transmittal.

  2. If the information in the transmittal is complete and you are ready to create the transmittal package, in the Package group, click Generate. The package is generated and you have one last chance to review the transmittal before sending it to the recipients. Check the transmittal carefully. After it has been sent, it cannot be edited.

    If you want to change either the metadata or the documents in the transmittal, see Viewing and editing a transmittal.

    If you want to preview the transmittal sheet that has been generated, see Downloading a transmittal.

  3. A transmittal must have at least one document and one recipient. To send the transmittal to its recipients, in the ribbon, in the Collaboration group, click Send package. The View Transmittal dialog box reappears. The transmittal can now be seen and opened in the recipient’s Inbox folder in the Workroom view. An email message is sent to each recipient with a link to open the transmittal in Project Portal. By default, the message looks similar to the following figure and is configured by a system administrator.

    To send another email message to the recipient in case the first message was not received or lost, in the Collaboration group, click Re-send package.

  1. When you are finished with the transmittal, click the Close button in the upper-right corner of the dialog box. Do not click Close in the Transmittal group in the ribbon, which will change the transmittal's status to Closed.

Related concepts

About transmittals

Understanding transmittal workflow

Understanding the Workroom view

About submittals

Related tasks

Viewing and editing a transmittal

Downloading a transmittal

Acknowledging a transmittal

Closing and re-opening a transmittal