You are here: About the Smart Paste add-on > Configuring the Smart Paste options

Configuring the Smart Paste options

The Smart Paste add-on can be configured for an entire Project Portal installation or for individual workspaces.

To configure the Smart Paste options:

Before you begin

Verify that the Smart Paste add-on has been installed. If the module is installed and available, it should appear as Smart Paste in the Modules folder of the Advanced Settings branch in the workspace configuration tree.

  1. In the Settings view, expand the name of the workspace (or the installation) in which you want to configure the options, expand Advanced Settings, expand Modules, and click Smart Paste. A page showing the available options appears.
  2. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table. To clear a current setting, select the checkbox nearest to the setting that you want to clear. The setting will be cleared when you save your changes.

Note    For more information about a particular option, hover the pointer over the help icon or click the option caption to see a brief description of the option.

Smart Paste options
Option Description

Enable Smart Paste functionality

Enables the Smart Paste add-on for the current scope, installation or workspace. The Enable for privileged only option enables the add-on only for workspace administrators.

Allow overwrite of same revision for smart paste

If Enabled, allows document property values to be updated by Smart Paste without creating new revisions of the document.

Smart paste versions only in same WBS folder

If Enabled, creates new revisions only for documents that exist in the same WBS folder. An error occurs if an older document revision exists in another folder than the WBS folder. If disabled (default) this option allows searching for the original document revision in other WBS folders.

Link to all parent folders in smart paste

If Enabled and the original document revision is linked to multiple folders, links new revisions of the updated document to all parent folders of the original revision. If cleared, a new revision will be created only in the folders specified by the WBS code.

Description handling in SmartPaste

Specifies how the document Description property is updated by Smart Paste.

Omit fields in SmartPaste same revision update

A comma-separated list of custom property codes to be omitted from Smart Paste operations. The original property values are not modified. If no property codes are listed here, all original property values are replaced with new values during Smart Paste operations.

Append fields in SmartPaste same revision update

A comma-separated list of custom property codes to be appended by Smart Paste operations. The new values are appended to the original property values. If no property codes are listed here, all original property values are replaced with new values during Smart Paste operations.

Append fields if field values not found in SmartPaste same revision update

A comma-separated list of custom property codes to be appended by Smart Paste operations if the new value does not already exist in the property. The new values are appended to the original property values. If no property codes are listed here, all original property values are replaced with new values during Smart Paste operations.

Enable Smart Move functionality

Enables or disables the Do Smart Move option for Smart Paste operations as described in the BlueCielo Project Portal User's Guide.

Allow status change of moved documents

If Enabled, changes to the documents' Status property are performed regardless of the user's rights to run the corresponding status transition. In other words, the user's access rights are not checked.

  1. Click Save Changes. The page refreshes to show the effective settings.
  2. Create the required custom properties as described in Creating the Smart Paste custom properties.
  3. Verify that the User code value is specified for every potential destination folder in the WBS structure as described in the BlueCielo Project Portal User's Guide.

Related concepts

About the Smart Paste add-on

Related tasks

Creating the Smart Paste custom properties