You are here: About Property Transfer > Main task descriptions > Configuration of Property Transfer from Office documents to Kronodoc > Configuring date conversions of OLE fields

Configuring date conversions of OLE fields

The property transfer mechanism may be configured to strings containing date information when moving information to the new document in Project Portal Project Portal. This configuration is performed with the preprocess configuration hash.

The OLE property names are used as keys for the configuration hash. The preprocessing rule for date conversion is defined with

<OLE field> => [‘dateconvert’, ‘<fromfmt>’, ‘<tofmt>’]

The date formats supported for fromfmt and tofmt are:

  1. YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2005-03-01)
  2. DD.MM.YYYY (e.g. 01.03.2005)
  3. D.M.YYYY (e.g. 1.3.2005)

Note: this will convert dates from within strings, e.g. with conversion from D.M.YYYY to YYYY-MM-DD, the string John, 2.3.2005 / Bill, 3.3.2005, the result would be John, 2005-03-02 / Bill. 2005-03-03.