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Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Configuring disk partitions

It is advised to manually define the partitioning used for the Project Portal server during installation:

The following logical volumes are recommended for creation. If the usage of each separate volume cannot be estimated, it is advised to leave some free space on the LVM to allow dynamic extension of any Logical Volumes when necessary.

All volume sizes listed in the tables are rough estimates, and depend heavily on the amount of data stored in Project Portal. The examples are based on a server with 8GB of RAM and 400GB of total disk space in a RAID10 array with only one Project Portal installation. Please consult BlueCielo ECM Solutions for a more accurate estimate on the disk space requirements.

Mount Point Example Minimum Size Description



System + Project Portal infra



Project Portal temporary data

Primary installation



Project Portal + file content data

Other installations, if applicable


Project Portal + file content data

16GB (usually 1-2x RAM)


If the server will house more than one Project Portal installation, a partition and a user account for each installation should be configured.

Disk space usage of the Project Portal partition is directly proportional to the size of the files stored in Project Portal. Monitor the disk space usage and act proactively. It is useful to constantly monitor disk space usage, since this way the growing of user amount becomes visible and disk space extensions can be efficiently planned and scheduled.

If the server is to be used also as the Oracle server, the following additional logical volume is recommended:

Mount Point Example Minimum Size Description


Oracle + database

Firewall configuration / Security option in Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Allow the following services in the firewall:

SE Linux must be disabled.

Packages to install

The following packages are recommended (but not required) for selection for installation to ease maintenance of the server:

Installation of additional packages is not recommended as they may interfere with Project Portal software.

Post installation

After the installation, the server is automatically rebooted. During the boot procedure, make sure that you perform the following tasks: