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You are here: About searches > Searching with advanced criteria

Searching with advanced criteria

Advanced searches allow you to specify criteria and sort the results using folders, properties, versions, life cycle status, types, relevance, and other properties. You can perform advanced searches for folders or documents. Advanced document searches offer the additional benefit of the ability to store the search criteria for later reuse.

To search for folders:

  1. In the Folders view, in the ribbon, in the Search group, click Advanced Search. The Advanced Search dialog box appears.
  2. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Folder search options
Option Description


Filters the results according to the selected folder type and status.

Additional search criteria

Select a property from the property list, a condition from the condition list, and type a search value in the text box. The wildcard characters * (multiple characters) and ? (single character) are supported.

Click Add search term to specify another property criterion to be searched using the Boolean AND operator.


Select an option in which to limit the search.

Sorting order

Select an order and property with which to sort the results.

  1. Click Search. The results appear in the detail pane. The options that you chose for the search are also shown for reference. The search window remains open in case you want to modify and repeat the search.

To search for documents:

  1. In the Documents view, in the ribbon, in the Search group, click Advanced search. The Advanced Search dialog box appears.
  2. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Document search options
Option Description

Stored search options

Stored options

Previously saved searches that you can modify and run without affecting the saved search.

Document search criteria - Properties


Filters the results according to the selected document keywords, versions, status, document type, and relevance. In the Keywords box, type words used in the document Name, Number, or Commenting Information properties or present in files linked to the document.

Document search criteria - Property

Search term

Select a property from the property list, a condition from the condition list, and type a search value in the text box. The wildcard characters * (multiple characters) and ? (single character) are supported.

Tip    Type a question mark (?) in the search value field to prompt the user for a value when the search is executed.

Click Add search term to specify another property criterion to be searched using the Boolean AND operator. A maximum of four additional search terms can be added to the search.

Click Add search term group to begin specifying multiple property criteria to be evaluated together with the Boolean AND or OR operator by selecting Match all of or Match any of, respectively.

Click Delete to remove the last search criterion added.

Parent folder search criteria


Filters the results according to the selected folder status.


Filters the results according to the selected folder type.

Search term

Filters the results according to the specified folder property, condition, and value.

Search properties

Update scope from parent window

If the selected folder has been changed, updates the search scope.

Document list view

Select a view mode with which to view the search results.

Sorting order

Select an order and property with which to sort the results.

  1. Select an option for Search scope to limit the search results.
  2. Click Search. The results appear in the detail pane. The options that you chose for the search are also shown for reference. The search window remains open in case you want to modify and repeat the search.
  3. To store the active search settings, continue as described in Storing searches.

Related concepts

About searches

Related tasks

Searching with simple keywords

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