BlueCielo ProjectForce 2011 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Searching for documents in ProjectForce > Executing an advanced search > Saving searches

Saving searches

After the criteria for an advanced search have been specified, they can be saved for later reuse. When you double-click a saved search, the search is executed immediately and the search results are shown. The advantages of saving a search are:

To save an advanced search:

  1. Specify the search criteria as described in Executing an advanced search.
  2. Click the Save button . The ProjectForceFind:Save dialog box appears, similar to the following figure:

  1. If you want to save the search in an ProjectForce library, choose the library where you want to save the search from the list. Click the folder button to select the folder in the library where you want to save the search, or double-click a folder in the list.
  2. If you want to save the search in a location outside the ProjectForce library, click the Browse local drives button and select a destination folder.
  3. If you want to save the search in a Favorites category, click the Show Favorites button . A Favorites pane will appear on the left side of the ProjectForce Find:Save dialog. Select an existing category or click the New Category button and create a new category.
  4. Type a name for the search in Title.
  5. Enable Show Documents to view the documents that reside in the selected folder.
  6. Click Save to save the search. The saved search appears with a saved search icon in the selected folder. You may then add it to your Favorites as described in Creating favorites in ProjectForce.

Related concepts

About the Advanced Search buttons

Related tasks

Executing an advanced search

Specifying property value search criteria

Specifying document content search criteria

Specifying search result options

Executing saved searches

Changing saved searches

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