BlueCielo ProjectForce 2011 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Exploring the ProjectForce Desktop > Configuring the document list > Exporting a document list to Microsoft Excel

Exporting a document list to Microsoft Excel

The information displayed in the document list can be exported to a Microsoft Excel file for use as a document list or a rudimentary report.

To export the list to a file:

  1. Adjust the contents and layout of the document list until it displays the information you want to appear in the file.
  2. Right-click any column heading and choose Export to Excel. The Type name of file to save dialog box appears.
  3. Select a destination folder, type a file name for the file, and click Save. The file is created in the selected folder.

An example of an exported file is shown in the following figure.

Related tasks

Listing your most recently used documents

Listing your checked out documents

Creating a new document list

Refreshing a document list

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