BlueCielo ProjectForce 2011 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Working with documents in ProjectForce > Emailing documents and links > Emailing a document and a link

Emailing a document and a link

To email a copy of a document and a link to the document:

  1. Select one or more documents in the document list.
  2. Right-click your selection, point to Send, and click Copy and Reference To on the shortcut menu. Your default email application will open a new email message with a copy of each selected document and a link to each selected document attached to the message, similar to the following figure.

  1. Select message recipients and type subject and body text as usual.
  2. Click Send. The message is sent.

Your message recipient can open the document, save it to disk, or double-click the link to retrieve the document in ProjectForce.

Note    Emailing a document does not check the document out. The message attachment becomes an uncontrolled, untracked copy.

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Copying documents out of the vault

Emailing documents and links

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