BlueCielo ProjectForce 2011 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Working with folders > Copying folders out of the vault

Copying folders out of ProjectForce

The Copy Out Folder command copies the selected folder, its sub-folders, and all contained documents to a location outside the library.

To copy out folders:

  1. Right-click the folder that you want to copy and select Copy Out Folder from the shortcut menu. The Copy Out Folder dialog box appears similar to the following figure.

  1. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Copy Out Folder options



Create Main Folder

If enabled, copies the selected library folder to the location specified by Local path. If cleared, only its sub-folders are copied.

Include Subfolder(s)

If enabled, copies the sub-folders of the selected library folder to the location specified by Local path. If cleared, no sub-folders are copied.

Include Documents

If enabled, copies the documents contained within the selected library folder and its sub-folders. If cleared, empty folders and sub-folders are created.

Overwrite Local Copies

If enabled, overwrites folders and documents that already exist in the location specified by Local path. If cleared, folders and documents are not overwritten.

  1. Click OK to copy the folder using the options selected.

Related concepts

Working with folders

Related tasks

Creating folders

Viewing and editing folder properties

Deleting folders

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