BlueCielo ProjectForce 2011 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Working with documents in ProjectForce > Checking out documents

Checking out documents

Checking out a document creates a local workspace copy of the document so that you can edit it in the document’s native application. The system remembers where the document is copied to and by which user it is checked out. Other users cannot modify a document that is checked out to you. When you are finished editing the document, check it back into the library with the Check In command.

Note    By default, when a document is checked out, it is copied to a preconfigured local folder, for example, C:\workspace\checkout.

To check out a document from within ProjectForce:

  1. In the document list, right-click the document you want to check in and click Check Out on the shortcut menu. The CheckOut Wizard appears, similar to the following figure.

  1. Confirm or modify the destination directory and file name of the copy.
  2. Click Next to proceed. The CheckOut Wizard (Step 2 of 2) page will appear, similar to the following figure.

  1. Confirm the information shown is correct and click Finish. The document is checked out.

Note    Changes made to a checked out document can only be stored in the library by checking the document back in with the Check In command.

A checked-out document is indicated by the checked-out icon . A checked-out document can also be found on the Checked Out Documents list.

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Adding a new revision

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